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"There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness"  Mahatma Gandhi This month I've felt compelled to do something to help and give back to the communities that have made Story what it is today. As many of you may be aware, the situation in India and particularly in Mumbai is worsening. The lockdown has been extended and many of the most vulnerable people are unable to leave their homes.  I launched a fundraiser a few weeks ago to help our artisans and their families and raise awareness of this issue. Our target of £1000 was achieved in two weeks which is amazing but I would love to do more. £40 provides a family of six with a food parcel containing essentials such as rice, pulses, oil, flour, vegetables and soap for a month. 100% of all donations go to the artisans and their families. In return for your donation you will receive a beautiful handmade face mask from vintage (unused) handkerchiefs and Indian block prints.  To donate go to: The fundraiser will end on Tuesday 9 June so funds can be sent off. If you or your company can help support this worthy cause we would be incredibly grateful. Love and gratitude Julinka xxx

Story has been working with two embroidery units in Delhi and Mumbai for years. These small family run businesses provide work to a group of specialist artisans who have been with them for many years. These embroiderers or 'karigars', as they are called in India, are unable to work and provide for their families. Many are the sole breadwinners of their household and have to provide for up to ten other family members.

This is Zakir who does our Irish machine embroidery designs. He is unable to work. He has 5 children, his parents and wife to support. He is one of the most talented Irish machine embroidery artisans I have worked with. His work is incredible. He is taking on rickshaw work to survive.

The beautiful work of Zakir. 

Embroidery copyright of Story Designs

This is Safik who created these incredible birds for us. They take many hours of concentration not to mention years of training. This is called adda work. Usually done by men and passed down through the generations.

Embellishment copyright of Story Designs

100% of all donations will go towards supporting the artisans during and after lockdown until work resumes. Each donation will receive a handmade mask!

Love, gratitude and power JULINKA xxx


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